About Magic Plasma

Magic plasma is a “communicator” with the living stream of “Light with the New Energy” in the spectre of the highest frequencies of the higher consciousness, “uploaded” in the form of master codes that radiate to where we most need them, because “Light” as the divine intelligence works in accordance with the highest wisdom. Master codes are frequency keys that find and “melt blockages” in the human organism on all levels; establish physical health and mental balance naturally. Master codes also open “new senses”, and gradually the alchemy of transformation into a higher consciousness happens.

Magic plasma also works as an internal guide, counsellor, and the bringer of messages.

The working of the magic plasma:
Cleaning “blockages” with magic plasma is essentially a rejuvenation of the body and spirit, healing on all levels and raising the level of consciousness, all at the same time.

Magic plasma creates an internal balance on all levels, which is why there are no errors and abuse is impossible. Everyone can absorb only the spectre of the high frequencies that they need and can accept on an internal level in the given moment. In this way Your consciousness on an internal level “allows” for the departure of only the “blockages” that You no longer need in this moment, for which You “know” that they are impeding Your life.

Magic plasma can also be used just for raising energy, relaxing, or for experiencing deep peace, if Your consciousness  chooses so. It all works on a free, conscious decision of the user.

Some brief explanations

You perceive the higher consciousness through Your senses, not through Your mind. A human currently functions only with the five basic senses, such as sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste; and additionally with the mind and emotions, which are a false interpretation of mind for feelings. He is locked into this cage of 3D reality, so he lives on lower vibrations, and tries to find a way out of the situation artificially with various substances that only deepen his hopeless condition.

But a human is a sensual creature, he has the potential for over 200 thousand senses; in addition to other smaller ones, love is the greatest sense. It is not necessary to master all, a few are enough to start sensing the expanded multidimensional reality, feel the colourfulness of the higher vibrations and the depth of life, these are the moments when You reconnect to Your “true nature”, with the “I Am, I exist”. Your new talents and potentials, as well as new life opportunities open. Life becomes  exciting, easy, attractive, magical, and simple again. And the best of all is that You become the creator of Your own life.

A higher consciousness is the basis of every creation; it activates intuition and imagination, it opens and supports Your inner blue fire which is the core of Your creative realisation in the material world.

In the consciousness of the higher frequencies You live sovereignly, You trust Yourself, You have self-respect  and a healthy self-esteem, You feel the inner strenght, freedom, and the love of the Self.

The higher frequencies are the human protection and potential, which for millennia has been a strictly guarded secret of the ruling systems that manipulate mankind.

With magic plasma You raise the level of Your consciousness; the path is gradual, but you can achieve it through perseverance.

The effect on health

Fact: Each organ has its own frequency and each organ is connected to the other organs with the special mutual frequency. If all of these connections work on the correct undisturbed frequencies, the energy flows freely and health is flawless; if there are disturbances, illnesses occur.

Blockades are what we call all the disturbances in the energy system of the human: deep emotional wounds, traumas, hereditary illnesses and behavioral patterns of our ancestors, deep fears, distorted upbringing patterns and programmed convictions, initiation structural promises, vows, oaths, spells, harmful biological chips in viruses and vaccines, on all levels. Everyone has internal wounds from their present and all past reincarnations, we carry them inside Ourselves and they are a part of the human experience.

The consequences of blockages is a disturbed balance of the immune system and mental condition. Poor flow of energy due to blockages is the cause of the emergence of diseases and the limited perception of the true reality. We look at life through the filters of the pattern of the past, so we live a life that is a “reaction” to the old past programmes. From this stems the feeling of being trapped into a repetition of certain situations from generation to generation.

Magic plasma melts the blockages in the energetic system of Your body and provides the right frequencies for each organ and the right frequencies for all the communication between the organs, so the energetic system can function flawlessly, so it can heal the sick body on all levels and maintains health. The path is gradual, perseverance is important.

The activation and way of using the magic plasma

Once you activate it with your consciousness, your respectful attention and some deep conscious breaths and the inner permission for cooperation, the magic plasma comes to life and expands in all directions, the energy of the body and the space changes to a higher level, a “safe space” is created. You might feel a slight undulation, warmth, or relaxation, or nothing, it is not important, it certainly works.

You can copy it and place your palms above or directly on the magic plasma, or keep it on the screen of your computer and observe it relaxed, or both at the same time. It is recommended to use it regularly at least 20 minutes a day, possibly longer. Take some deep breaths to  release the old energy at the end of every treatment.

It is necessary to drink a lot of clean water with lemon to more easily flush the impurities from the body, which the magic plasma eliminates from the cells.

The correct use of magic plasma is only in the 1:1 ratio according to the original in the pdf format for it to achieve clarity and ease of its function; a minimised version will speed up the effect, and an enlarged one will slow it down.

Magic plasma is intended only for the named user; that is the only way it will work properly on the person according to its intended function. The name and surname of the person is the “address” of the consciousness with which the magic plasma is involved. The age of the user is not important; it has a beneficial effect on the elderly and children alike. Children can use it spontaneously through play and can colour the copies of the magic plasma to be in touch with it.

The deadline of the working of each magic plasma is 3 months from the date of receiving, after this time the frequencies are extinguished. Each new magic plasma has a fresh new specific frequency combination, each brings something new. A dynamic exchange is created; when we allow the old to let go, we can live anew. Each month a new magic plasma will be released, so everyone will have the option to choose their dynamic of diversity; replacement once a month or every 3 months.

The design: magic plasma contains a unique design of the manifestation of the “communication transferor” formed on the basis of the internal “knowingness” of the Realised Enlightened Embodied Master in cooperation with the Ascended Masters of Light who operate on the higher spheres of reality. In this material reality (3D) it looks like a piece of paper with abstract curves that actually ground the “uploaded invisible spectrum of the higher frequencies of Light, master codes, with the effect of the gravitation of the New energy” with the described effect on a human. The core of the magic plasma is not a substance and is not measurable with the measuring systems of the science of today. The core creates the plasma, and plasma is a measurable substance. It can be measured with a pendulum and has an average of 21.500 (21.5 k) units of Bovis* according to the biometric scale, which proves a very high spiritual potential of this plasma in comparison with the bioenergy of a human with good health, who has 10.000 (10 k) units of Bovis.

The “Magic Plasma” creation is intended for the benefit of people in this time of crisis.


Magic Plasma is an advanced multidimensional holistic approach to treatment and awareness raising.

The Magic Plasma is essentially the “communicative” mediator that helps You to establish the natural state of “I Am” by perceiving the essence of the divine creation,that You realize that with Your inner passion (blue flame) You can create Your own life (you are no longer a programmed player).

When You “know” that You are the divine being “I Am”, You also function from this source.

That’s why You also feel Yourself as “I exist” as a passion for living on a higher level.

More in articles!

Protection – the impact of Magic Plasma on the computer and cellphone and, consequently, on humans

Fact: Computer, cell phone, etc. are artificial intelligence devices that emit low frequencies that harm our health in the long run.

Measurements : From the Bovis Life Force Bioenergy Units Dowsing Chart*, the radiation value for the average cell phone is 3K and for the computer is 4.5K, which is within the range that is harmful to our health. Measurements show that a cell phone and a computer with stored magical plasma radiate within a tolerance of between 14K and 17K Bovis Units* (depending on the device), which already falls within the range of beneficial healing higher frequencies.

For comparison: The graph shows the boundary  between good and bad health status of 7K; a sick person has 5.5K, a person with good health has 10K units of Bovis*.

Protection: The Magic Plasma “stored in the archive” of the artificial intelligence device (on mobile and computer) has  double effect: to protect the human being from the harmful radiation of the low frequencies of the device, so that through the device it has the effect of radiating the beneficial high frequencies of healing.

Note: The Magic Plasma open on the computer and cellphone screen works with its original frequency of 21.5K Bovis Units, the same as the original printed on paper, with all the subtle quantum dynamics  and with the effects described in all the sections above.

Use your imagination and use the effects of Magic Plasma in different ways, but only for your own personal use.

* For comparison: the data of the measured values in the Bovis Life Force Bioenergy Units Dowsing Chart, Expanded Scale:
Mark:  K=1000
H.A.A.R.P. radiation….. ………………….2K
Cell Phone Radiation, GMO……………3K
Microwave Oven……………………………5K
A Sick Person………………………………5,5K
Very Tired Person ……………………….…6K
Person in Fair Health……………………8K
Person in Average Health……………..9K
Person in Good Health………………….10K
Church Bell………………………………..11K
Stonehenge…………………………….  .12K
Positive Thought Form………………….13K
Tibetan Temple………………………….14K
Pyschic Healing………………………………15K
Emoto Water-Love, Protection …….16K
Nature Spirits, Crop Circles…………..17K
Divine Source, Angels, Cathedral…..18K
Crystal Skulls (Original13)…………….19K
Great Pyramid, Andromedans…..…..20K
Alpha Centurians…………………………21K
Sirians, Gold, H.H., Dalaj Lama ………22K
Ascended Masters, Orbs………….…….23K